Teen’s Mental Health | Where to get Help| Orlando Counselor

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the U.S. Surgeon General Murthy, symptoms of both anxiety and depression have doubled during this time with about 25% of the youth experiencing depressive symptoms and about 20% experiencing symptoms of anxiety. There [...]

Fox 35 Interviews ADHD Student: NPR Study shows ADHD Linked to Diet

Orlando ADHD Counseling Expert Jim West interviewed by Fox 35 News Great Dietary ideas for Students to improve Test Anxiety, Short Term Memory, Mood Control and Energy! Diet is also effective for ADHD or ADD, Anxiety, Bi-Polar Disorder, and [...]

ADHD Therapist | Three Most Hated Non-Medical ADHD Tips

Orlando Therapist ADHD Expert Gives Three Most Hated Non-Medical ADHD Tips While prescription medication has it's place, there are research studies which show children who have been placed on ADHD medication while young are substantially more likely to use and [...]

Whitney Houston | 5 False Beliefs About Prescription Drugs and Addiction | Addictions Counselor

People all over the world mourned the tragic loss of one of the most talented singers of 1980's/1990's, Whitney Houston. She joins multiple other celebrities, such as Judy Garland, Margaux Hemingway, Heath Ledger, Michael Jackson, who have had their lives [...]

By |2021-03-09T20:01:20+00:00February 25th, 2012|Addictions, ADHD, Adults, Children, Drug, Orlando, Parenting, Self Harm, Teens, Updates|

Teaching Leadership to learn Social Skills / ADHD & ASD Counseling Expert Jim West

Orlando ADHD & ASD Counseling Expert Jim West teachers Leadership to students to learn Social Skills Have you ever seen a Leader without Followers? "I was first!" "You are doing it wrong!" "I want to go next!" "Can I be [...]

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