Exploring Childhood Trauma: Orlando Counselor

Childhood trauma is a pervasive issue that affects millions of children worldwide. Traumatic events experienced in childhood can have long-lasting effects on a person's physical and mental health. While children are often seen as resilient, it is crucial to [...]

Orlando Counselor on Dangers of Spring Break

        Spring break provides a time of relaxation and stress-free fun.  With all this, there are some risk factors to be aware of, so to ensure you have the best time, follow these tips. Alcohol:                    During spring break there is [...]

Let’s Discuss Eating Disorders | Orlando Counselors

Disordered eating does not discriminate when it comes to age, race, gender, ethnicity, weight, or sexual orientation. Typically eating disorders can appear majority in younger populations, in teens and young adults. Don’t be fooled, eating disorders also can start [...]

3 Tips to Influence our Teens | Orlando Counselor

Have you lost influence with your teenager?  Do you worry they listen way to much more to our side influences?  How has social media impacted your teens mental health and self image? As parents we always are concerned about [...]

Facebook Posts Detect Alcohol Abuse in College Students | 4 Tips to Identify At-Risk Intoxication Dallas Counselor

Over the past 10 years, Social media has significantly influenced our daily lives. Facebook and Twitter have become commonplace for dating, connecting, and socializing. Most recently, studies have shown an increase in college aged drinking, especially among male students. [...]

Instagram Beauty Pageants | Teen Girls Self-Esteem | Orlando Counselor Tips for Parents

From Toddlers and Tiaras to Instagram Beauty Pageants, young girls are throwing themselves onto the merciless stage of judgment, comparisons, criticism and pain. According to an ABC News report, “Among the hottest activities on social media these days is [...]

The Lucky One | Orlando Marriage Therapist | 3 Tips to Rekindle Your Relationship

Nicholas Sparks is no stranger to heart-wrenching passion and the kind of love that only star-crossed lovers share. Teary eyed audiences have come to expect this from his novels and their film adaptions, but do the rose colored glasses [...]

Women’s Mental Health | Orlando Counselor

Women's Mental Health is a crucial issue that affects millions of women worldwide. Over 1 in 5 women in the United States in the past year have experienced a mental health condition. Common conditions are anxiety and depression, although [...]

Relationship Issues | Tips on How To Fix It | Orlando Counselor

Relationship Issues | How To Fix It| It's true that every couple experiences relationship issues at some point. No relationship is perfect, and disagreements and conflicts are a natural part of any partnership. What's important is how those issues [...]

How Do I Cope with My Child’s Diagnosis?

Over 3 million babies are born every year in the US. And with the birth of a child, there is not only new life, but new adventures, new possibilities, and new opportunities. As exciting as it may be to [...]

5 Tips For Extended Family Holiday Scheduling

Are you dreading the holidays?  Do you have to split holidays with more than two groups of relatives?  Do you feel you are traveling all over the place and resent holidays?  Are you a people pleaser and trying to [...]

7 Warning Signs Your Partner May Be Controlling You | Women’s Counselor

Are you constantly being told what to wear, when to be home, and what to do by your partner?  Are you afraid to voice your opinion to your partner?  Many times people who find themselves in this type of relationship [...]

Baby Boomers & Midlife Crisis | 5 Tips to Survive the Aging Process | Jada Jackson

Baby Boomers & Midlife Crisis | Tips to Survive the Aging Process When baby-boomer sex symbol Meryl Streep hit the silver screen as Miranda Priestly in the blockbuster movie “Devil Wears Prada,” no one would have guessed that the generation [...]

Family Counselor offers Conflict Resolution Tips for Children, Teen and Families with Less Yelling

“Sorry! Sorry! Sorry,” is what students/siblings receive over and over again, and then the perpetrator receives a time out, grounding, loses privileges or in the school, detention, work detail, time out or suspension. The perpetrator then becomes resentful toward the [...]

Fires, Floods and Hurricanes | Trauma Therapist 3 Tips To Cope with Loss

Hurricanes, flooding and fires. Nearly 10,000 people were told to evacuate northeastern states due to flooding. The fires in Texas have left 1,000's displaced from their homes. The daily news in the past three weeks has been a constant barrage [...]

7 Tips to Keep your New Year’s Resolutions | Forbes | Marriage Counselor Daily Buzz TV

2019 New Year's Resolutions | 7 Tips to Keep your New Year's Resolutions | Forbes Did you make a New Year’s Resolution for 2019? If you did, there is a strong possibility that you will not see it through to [...]

3 Reasons Spouses Commit Facebook Affairs | Relationship Counselor

3 Reasons Spouses Cheat on Facebook - Social Network or Human Nature? Emotional affairs, high school flames, college sweethearts, and hooking up behind closed doors! Since Facebook, the flood gate of social affairs has taken the 'opportunity for infidelity' to [...]

4 Reasons Babies Bully & What to Do | Bully Counselor Expert

"You're stupid!" as a young child in day care cowers in the corner. "Nobody likes you!" followed by kicking and hitting by an older child trying to show he is tough and in control!  Sound strange or unreal for [...]

5 Behaviors from Video Games and Gaming Addiction New Diagnosis | Fox 35 Expert Counselor

Orlando Video Gaming Electronics Counselor Expert Interviewed by Fox 35 to Discuss Ways to Help! 5 Behaviors from Video Games and Gaming Addiction "It is just a game!”  Is this a common [...]

Boundaries in Parenting | The Importance of “No” | Fox 35 Jada Jackson Family Counselor

"No" is Not Always a Bad Thing Children grow up needing love and understanding as well as rules and boundaries. Being told ‘no’ at the right moments can be just as important to a child as being told “I [...]

To Divorce, or not to Divorce? | University of Minnesota Report | Marriage Counselor on Reasons why couples are changing their minds

To Divorce, or not to Divorce? That is the Question | 3 reasons why couples are changing their minds about divorce Marriage and Family therapist William Doherty from the University of Minnesota presented research studies proposing that reconciliation has become [...]

Hurricane Harvey | 5 Tips to Deal with Grief and Loss When Tragedy Hits

We are never prepared for tragedy. It has been 12 years since a category 3 or stronger has made landfall in the United States. There has been more than 40 inches of rainfall in southeast Texas since Thursday evening. Just to get an idea — the average YEARLY rainfall for Houston is 49.76 inches.

ADHD Therapist | Three Most Hated Non-Medical ADHD Tips

Orlando Therapist ADHD Expert Gives Three Most Hated Non-Medical ADHD Tips While prescription medication has it's place, there are research studies which show children who have been placed on ADHD medication while young are substantially more likely to use and [...]

FACEBOOK and Divorce | Social Networking Woes | Dallas Relationship Counselor | Tips to Safeguard your Marriage

FACEBOOK and Divorce | Social Networking Woes | Tips to Safeguard your Marriage | New York Daily News A third of America’s divorces implicates Facebook as the culprit of destruction. According to an article posted by New York Daily News, [...]

Dallas Family Counselor | To Spank or Not to Spank | 9 Effective Discipline Tips for Parents

To Spank or Not to Spank? That is the question. "Spare the rod and spoil the child" is a saying that has governed the idea of parenting for many years. A study conducted by Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public [...]

Is Your Toddler a Bully? | Preschool Bullies | 7 Tips for Parents | Dallas Counselor

Is Your Toddler a Bully? | Preschool Bullies Channel 13 | 7 Tips for Parents Could your toddler be a bully-in-training? Television shows like Toddlers & Tiaras show preschool aged girls hitting and bullying each other and their parents. Behavior [...]

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