3 Reasons Spouses Commit Facebook Affairs | Relationship Counselor

3 Reasons Spouses Cheat on Facebook - Social Network or Human Nature? Emotional affairs, high school flames, college sweethearts, and hooking up behind closed doors! Since Facebook, the flood gate of social affairs has taken the 'opportunity for infidelity' to [...]

4 Tips for PTSD Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms | Ariana Grande on CNN from Suicide Bombing

Recently singer Ariana Grande released to CNN about suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder from witnessing a suicide bombing that killed 22 people at her concert in Manchester, United Kingdom in 2017. PTSD - post-traumatic stress disorder is as the name [...]

4 College Tips for Developing an Adult Relationship with your Young Adult | Counselor

College is the beginning of new opportunities, relationships, and identities. In college, a child is in a transition process. They still rely on their parents and need guidance, but they are starting to find out what it means to [...]

Marriage Security | 3 Relationship Mistakes or Hacks to Avoid & What to Do | Counselor Therapist

Lake Mary Counselor Therapist offers 3 Relationship Mistakes or Hacks to Avoid & What to Do to Secure your marriage! Computer hackers are always on the prowl throughout the year. Companies might think their software, hardware or network security [...]

Fox 35 Interviews ADHD Student: NPR Study shows ADHD Linked to Diet

Orlando ADHD Counseling Expert Jim West interviewed by Fox 35 News Great Dietary ideas for Students to improve Test Anxiety, Short Term Memory, Mood Control and Energy! Diet is also effective for ADHD or ADD, Anxiety, Bi-Polar Disorder, and [...]

5 Behaviors from Video Games and Gaming Addiction New Diagnosis | Fox 35 Expert Counselor

Orlando Video Gaming Electronics Counselor Expert Interviewed by Fox 35 to Discuss Ways to Help! 5 Behaviors from Video Games and Gaming Addiction "It is just a game!”  Is this a common [...]

To Divorce, or not to Divorce? | University of Minnesota Report | Marriage Counselor on Reasons why couples are changing their minds

To Divorce, or not to Divorce? That is the Question | 3 reasons why couples are changing their minds about divorce Marriage and Family therapist William Doherty from the University of Minnesota presented research studies proposing that reconciliation has become [...]

Suicide Prevention: You Can Make a Difference

Suicide: one of the few remaining taboo subjects in polite society. It’s a tragic topic and not one people what to discuss but with the World Health Organization reporting approximately one death every 40 seconds due to suicide, it is [...]

4 Reasons Why Social Media Leaves Us Feeling Dissatisfied | Orlando Therapist

Social media is bringing us closer than ever before, but is it making us overwhelmingly happier? The answer is no, according to studies done on the effects of sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat on users. Increased time spent [...]

ADHD Therapist | Three Most Hated Non-Medical ADHD Tips

Orlando Therapist ADHD Expert Gives Three Most Hated Non-Medical ADHD Tips While prescription medication has it's place, there are research studies which show children who have been placed on ADHD medication while young are substantially more likely to use and [...]

Adrenaline Unhealthy and Healthy Effects on the Body | 4 Proper Ways to Release Adrenaline

Throughout our experiences, we interact with a variety of situations, people, and environments that have an extraordinary effect on our mind and body. Our childhood can design important aspects of our identity and how we interact in relationships. A child who was repeatedly exposed to and stimulated by [...]

By |2020-01-06T22:27:16+00:00March 29th, 2017|Adults, Anna Vita, Blog, Children, Orlando, Relationships, Teens|

FACEBOOK and Divorce | Social Networking Woes | Dallas Relationship Counselor | Tips to Safeguard your Marriage

FACEBOOK and Divorce | Social Networking Woes | Tips to Safeguard your Marriage | New York Daily News A third of America’s divorces implicates Facebook as the culprit of destruction. According to an article posted by New York Daily News, [...]

5 Character Lessons Kids and Teens Can Learn from the 2016 Rio Olympians

5 Character Lessons Kids & Teens Can Learn from the 2016 Rio Olympians It has been thrilling watching the 2016 Summer Rio Olympics these past 2 weeks.  It has been full of stories of dedication, redemption, comebacks, and unbelievable achievements [...]

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