Exploring Childhood Trauma: Orlando Counselor

Childhood trauma is a pervasive issue that affects millions of children worldwide. Traumatic events experienced in childhood can have long-lasting effects on a person's physical and mental health. While children are often seen as resilient, it is crucial to [...]

Orlando Counselor on Dangers of Spring Break

        Spring break provides a time of relaxation and stress-free fun.  With all this, there are some risk factors to be aware of, so to ensure you have the best time, follow these tips. Alcohol:                    During spring break there is [...]

Orlando Trauma Counselor: Unveiling 10 Facts About Trauma

What are the most common types of trauma that people in Orlando seek counseling? The most common types of trauma that people in Orlando seek counseling for include car accidents, natural disasters, domestic violence, sexual assault, and childhood abuse. [...]

Orlando Counselor on The Effects of Trauma

The effects of trauma are not limited by factors such as age, gender, socioeconomic status, race, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. The experience of trauma is common among both adults and children, but it is especially prevalent in the lives [...]

Eating Disorders in Teens | Orlando Counselor

Eating disorders can and typically are debilitating and cause extensive long-term damage to those suffering from them. Teens are at an even greater risk for developing eating disorders, with most of them occurring between ages 12 and 25. During [...]

How Do I Cope with My Child’s Diagnosis?

Over 3 million babies are born every year in the US. And with the birth of a child, there is not only new life, but new adventures, new possibilities, and new opportunities. As exciting as it may be to [...]

Four Tips For Holiday Party Food Anxiety | Orlando Counselor

Do you loathe holidays? Dread social invitations? Can’t stand the thought of a Christmas party? Those with eating disorders (Bulimia, Anorexia, Binge Eating or Overeating) shiver at the upcoming holiday season, not for the social aspect but for the [...]

How Hypnosis Can Help with Covid Related Stress

It’s no secret that we are all in this together. There is a higher level of fear and anxiety  that has spread through the world since early last year.   It’s not “over” yet and still life goes on. You [...]

Orlando Counselor on how Childhood Sexual Abuse Colors The World Dark

Orlando sexual abuse trauma counselor offers advice on how sexual abuse untreated effects the future of abuse victims.  Childhood sexual abuse has only become a societal issue in the past several decades. Consequently there is a lack of research, [...]

50 Shades of Grey – 5 Questions Couples Should Ask | Counselor

50 Shades of Grey - Lake Mary Marriage Counselor suggests 5 Questions Couples Should Ask. It’s almost Valentine’s Day and also the big screen premiere of Fifty Shades of Grey. Based on the best-selling novel by E.L. James, it [...]

The Benefits of Forgiveness | Counselor Dana West

The Benefits of Forgiveness | Dana West, LCSW Why is forgiveness easy to verbalize but so difficult to express? How many times should I forgive?  Can I distance myself while forgiving someone who hurts me repeatedly? If I forgive too [...]

Hazing or Initiation | Dr Phillips High School – Darrion Denson | Bullying Counselor

What is Hazing and Tips to Prevent it in your School! Darrion Denson reportedly was told by his coach to walk into the Dr. Phillips High School Senior locker room to get a pair of pants.  He reports that [...]

The Glamorous Life of Self-Injury | Tips for Identifying Self-Mutilation Counseling Dallas

"It’s exciting, thrilling, and even self-gratifying?" Could this be the reason teens are mutilating their bodies at an alarming rate? Or could it be a more serious mental health issue at the core of this abnormal conduct? Why has maladaptive [...]

5 Things Victims of Sexual Assault Can Learn from Bill Cosby’s Accusers | Lake Mary Counselor

5 Things Victims of Sexual Assault Can Learn from Bill Cosby’s Accusers For months now the media has been reporting on the alleged sexual assaults of women by Bill Cosby, iconic TV father of the 80’s, comedian and family man. [...]

Do Most Sexual Abuse Survivors Lose their Childhood | Amanda Perry, Michelle Knight, & Gina DeJesus | Dana West, LCSW Abuse Counselor

Darkness into Light Fleeing from the pits of darkness, Amanda Perry, 27, escaped from being held hostage for over a decade.  She called 911 at a neighbor’s house and found freedom after 10 years being held hostage.  She wasn’t the [...]

Restraining Order one day, Dead the next | Tips to Cope with Domestic Violence

33 year old Rosamond McNeil died this week of a gunshot to her back. Her killer? Her abusive ex-boyfriend she tried many times to leave. The day before she died, she was granted a restraining order against her former boyfriend [...]

Self Esteem Counselor on Reality TV Effects on Girls Self-Esteem | Parent Tips | Girl Scout Research Institute

Reality TV: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly | Girl Scout Research Institute Bad Girls Club, The Kardashians, Real Housewives, and Teens Moms are only a few of reality television’s hit shows. With all of the fighting, back stabbing, [...]

Jaycee Dugard |Sexual Abuse Counselor 4 Survivor Tips | Never Carry Shame

No one could hold back tears as our hearts were in our throats watching Diane Sawyer’s interview with Jaycee Dugard recently.  What an incredible story of survival…an innocent 11 year old girl walking to her school bus one morning being [...]

Does Rihanna’s Man Down Video Encourage Murder | Tips for Rape Victims

Does Rihanna’s new video ‘empower’ women or promote murder? Rape is a terrible experience for anyone to endure, but is murder the answer? R&B superstar Rihanna released her latest single, ‘Man Down,’ by suggesting that premeditated murder is the answer [...]

Sex, Students, & Teachers! 10 Tips to Protect Your Child | Michelle Preston |Family Counselor

10 Tips To Protect Your Child A high school teacher having sex with a teenaged student is the hot topic this week. Once again, a female teacher is accused of seducing a young male student into a sexual relationship. Michelle [...]

Orlando 5th Angriest City | 3 Tips for Anger Control |Anger Management Counseling Classes

Local news reports the following stories in one day in Central Florida Murder-Suicide: A husband, 36, shot and killed his 37 your old wife, and then killed himself. Employee Murders Boss: A 27 employee, fatally shot his boss Nasser Alkattan, [...]

WHY would a young mother commit suicide? | Michelle Dubois |Depression Counseling

Why would she do such a thing?   How could we have helped her?  Why would she leave her young boys?  Will she go to Heaven?  How will we live without her?  What should we tell her children?  What was she thinking?  [...]

College, Self-Esteem, and Playboy | 3 Reasons Women Pose | Taylor Corley | Body Image Counselor

“Philosophers ponder it and pornographers proffer it. Asked why people desire physical beauty, Aristotle said, "No one that is not blind could ask that question." Beauty ensnares hearts, captures minds, and stirs up emotional wildfires. From Plato to pinups, [...]

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