Orlando Counselor’s Approach to Personality Disorders | Brandon Marshall

Celebrities with Borderline Personality Disorder In 2011, the courageous football star Brandon Marshall openly revealed his borderline personality disorder. He went on to establish a foundation to promote mental health awareness and encourage discussions on mental illness. His bravery [...]

Expert Guide: Borderline Personality Disorder Counseling

What are the common symptoms of borderline personality disorder? Common symptoms of borderline personality disorder include intense mood swings, unstable relationships, impulsivity, fear of abandonment, distorted self-image, self-harm, and chronic feelings of emptiness. Seeking therapy from a qualified professional [...]

Co-Parenting a Child with ADHD | Orlando Counselor

Key Highlights Understanding ADHD in children is crucial for effective co-parenting strategies. Consistency and communication are key elements in co-parenting a child with ADHD. Behavioral strategies, such as positive reinforcement and structured routines, can help manage ADHD symptoms. Educational [...]

Orlando Counselor on Dangers of Spring Break

        Spring break provides a time of relaxation and stress-free fun.  With all this, there are some risk factors to be aware of, so to ensure you have the best time, follow these tips. Alcohol:                    During spring break there is [...]

Orlando Counselor on Benefits of Sensory Enrichment Therapy | High Functioning Autism Parenting

Why Sensory Enrichment Therapy?You may find that your child with Autism Spectrum Disorder is easily captivated by visual stimulation, songs, repetitive sounds, and tactile play. Although it may seem that children with ASD are highly in-tune with their senses, many [...]

By |2024-03-21T15:05:49+00:00March 15th, 2024|Anxiety, Aspergers, Autism, Children, Family, Jim West, Orlando, Parenting, Teens, Treatment Alternatives|

Let’s Discuss Eating Disorders | Orlando Counselors

Disordered eating does not discriminate when it comes to age, race, gender, ethnicity, weight, or sexual orientation. Typically eating disorders can appear majority in younger populations, in teens and young adults. Don’t be fooled, eating disorders also can start [...]

Orlando Trauma Counselor: Unveiling 10 Facts About Trauma

What are the most common types of trauma that people in Orlando seek counseling? The most common types of trauma that people in Orlando seek counseling for include car accidents, natural disasters, domestic violence, sexual assault, and childhood abuse. [...]

4 Strategies to Break Free of the What Others Think and Expectations of Others | Orlando Counselor

Breaking Free: Orlando Teen Self Esteem Counselor | 4 Strategies What is the role of self-esteem teen counselors in Orlando? A teen self-esteem tips counselor in Orlando plays a crucial role in preventing anxiety disorder, panic attacks, social anxiety [...]

5 Ways Dads Impact Teen Self Esteem | Penn State Study | Orlando Counselor Jim West

"I don't understand why my daughter is so sad lately? "Why is my son spending time with bad influences?" "Why does my daughter go out with abusive guys?" "Why does my son have such low self esteem?" If you [...]

Orlando Marriage Counselors Valentine’s Day Tips for You

How Comparing Effects Your Partner What are some Valentine's Day tips for singles and couples from an Orlando marriage counselor? Some Valentine's Day tips for dating singles and couples from an Orlando marriage counselor include: for singles, focus on [...]

Be Mine Orlando Marriage Counselor 4 Valentine Tips for Men

According to the National Retail Federation, Valentine’s Day spending for 2023 was $25.9 billion. The average person was expected to spend $193 last year. There was even a study of the 10 most romantic cities based upon how much [...]

Orlando Counselor on How to keep a healthy mind after traumatic events | Trauma Counselor

It feels like we are living in daily human chaos lately as almost every week we receive the news of another shooting and terrorist attack happening. These horrifying attacks seem to have become constant events in our everyday lives. Unfortunately, unexplainable motives have became our justification [...]

5 Self-Esteem Tips Girls Learn from Disney’s Movie Frozen | Orlando Child Counselor Lyris Steuber

Disney’s Frozen is all the rage ever since it came out and there are many redeeming qualities in reference to girls self esteem tips! Even my 3 year old girl is obsessed with it. She can sing all the [...]

Eating Disorders in Teens | Orlando Counselor

Eating disorders can and typically are debilitating and cause extensive long-term damage to those suffering from them. Teens are at an even greater risk for developing eating disorders, with most of them occurring between ages 12 and 25. During [...]

World Mental Health Day: An Opportunity To Raise Awareness | Orlando Mental Health Counselor

What Is World Mental Health Day?  World Mental Health Day, on October 10th, is a day for everyone to unite their efforts to improve the mental health of people around the world. The theme selected for this year’s Day [...]

5 Steps for Back to School Success: Orlando Counselor

Summer is coming to a close.  Play dates, family vacations and trips to grandma’s house may have made for a great time.  With over a week left until school starts, the thought of going back to school may elicit [...]

Relationship Issues | Tips on How To Fix It | Orlando Counselor

Relationship Issues | How To Fix It| It's true that every couple experiences relationship issues at some point. No relationship is perfect, and disagreements and conflicts are a natural part of any partnership. What's important is how those issues [...]

School Shootings on the Rise

According to a federal report done by the National Center for Education Statistics, there were ninety-three gun-related incidents in the United States that resulted in lives lost on school property in 2021 alone. Lives as young as twelve years old [...]

Teen’s Mental Health | Where to get Help| Orlando Counselor

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the U.S. Surgeon General Murthy, symptoms of both anxiety and depression have doubled during this time with about 25% of the youth experiencing depressive symptoms and about 20% experiencing symptoms of anxiety. There [...]

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